Sunday, September 4, 2011


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We've had an interesting start to our long Labor Day weekend.  AJ, my middle child, had his first (ever) football game.  He played amazing.  His team won.  We were all so excited.  And then we had the last play of the game.  AJ ended up on the bottom of a dog pile and got a broken wrist.  NO FUN.  At all.  We were told to take him home, put some ice on it and keep an eye on it.  He cried the whole way home, and I was not about to take him inside, put a little ice pack on it, and look for swelling.  Nope - mama bear drove her little cub straight to Care Now, got an x-ray and saw quite plainly, with no need for a doctor's diagnosis, that her little football player was out for the season.  Just like that.
We had a very rough night.  Apparently he doesn't tolerate Tylenol with Codeine very well.  Yes, there was vomiting.  Yes, there were lots of tears (and no, they were not all from AJ).  Thankfully he appears to be feeling better now. I pray that we have a better night tonite, 'cuz we're all a little punch drunk.
I have learned a very valuable lesson, in that when adversity hits you get a real good look at someone's character.  When someone's world comes crashing down around them you get a tiny little peak inside that person's soul.  And although I wish I could take this all away, take the pain on myself, turn back time and stop that dog pile before it has a chance to hurt my little guy....I gotta say that I'm real proud of how he has handled himself.  He's very disappointed that he's out for the season, but what made him cry the most (seriously) was the notion that he would not be able to play his precious video games for 6 weeks (which is an eternity to my little gamer).
Through all the pain, nausea, wedgies (don't ask) and tears I cannot tell you how many times I heard "thank you", and "please" and "I appreciate it".  I would like to say that he gets that from me, but quite frankly I'm not so sure I'd be so pleasant under the same circumstances.  He's decided that he wants to still support his team, even though he can't play.  He wants to talk to the coach about continuing to go to practices and games, and maybe help keep score, or some other job, so that he's still a valuable member of the team.  I think that speaks volumes for a 9 year old.  He's not a quitter.  And his parents are so very proud.
So you may not see very many posts for the next few days.  I'll be busy fetching ice, snacks, the throw up bowl (hopefully not!) and whatever else he may need.  I will not be scouring the internet for deals or coupons.  When he's feeling better I'll be right back at it.  But until then, I gotta do the Mom thing.  I hope you enjoy the rest of your weekend with your family.  Take some time to relax, enjoy the cooler weather tomorrow, and hug your babies a little bit closer and a little bit tighter, because that's what really matters.  God bless!

1 comment:

  1. Oh no that really stinks. Hope it better today.

    Glad you took directly to Care now, so he didn't need to wait to have it fixed!!!
    Hope the pain slown fast.
    AJ way to go being so "strong"!!!

