Saturday, September 24, 2011

Ugh, Have We Got Cooties!

Sorry for the very late posts today.  We are a house filled with cooties, apparently.  I can tell that school is back in session - 'cuz we're all sick!  In the last month:
  • Sam has had a cold
  • AJ broke his wrist and we found out this morning that he has a sinus infection
  • Zach missed three days of school this week with vomiting and diarhea
  • Yesterday I had vomiting and still feel puny today
Heck, even big ol' Alice must have caught something because she vomited two days ago.  I can tell that I'm really sick, because I just got back from grocery shopping and
1) Did all my shopping in one place (this NEVER happens)
2) Did not use ANY coupons.  Not one!

Here's what this little shopping trip has taught me first and foremost.....couponing save me a buttload of money!  I didn't buy that much, and my total was over $168.  I was so sick and ready to get out of there and come home to lay down, I didn't even care.  Yeah.  I'm sick.
At this point I'm thinking that instead of donating a full case of Lysol to the elementary school I should have kept some for myself and completely fumigated this place!  Here's hoping (and praying) that we can have a quiet weekend and get everybody healthy again.  'Cuz this stinks.  :(

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