Monday, September 26, 2011

Things I Am Grateful For Today

  • A delicious smelling pot roast cooking in the crock pot.  (Why don't I do this more often?)
  • A laundry room.  Every time I start complaining about the mounds of laundry I do every week (especially after a stomach virus has wiped out 1/2 the family), I remind myself that there are many people who would kill to have a room in their house devoted solely to washing clothes, I don't have to go to the laundromat with a stack of quarters, and I have lovely children who are creating those huge piles of clothes!
  • My husband, who takes on an awful lot of pressure being the sole provider to our household of mass consumers.  I know there are times he wishes he had more freedom and less pressure.  Yet he continues to support our mutual decision to keep me home full time.  Yay, Tim!
  • Friends like Kelly, who upon hearing that I was sick wanted to know whether I had anyone to take care of ME, and did I need anything!  Something only a fellow mom would understand.  Thanks, Kelly!
  • Chocolate covered pretzels - need I say more?!

1 comment:

  1. You have a great husband and a great friend. Blessed indeed! I am stopping by from our Blogging Group on FB. Nice to "meet" you Brenda. I hope you have a great week.


    LaVonne @ Long Wait For Isabella
