Thursday, August 18, 2011

Tips For A Clutter Free Child's Closet

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It seems that I am forever cleaning out my boys' closets.  They become the catch-all for everything they don't know what to do with.  It becomes hard to see any carpet on the floor because it is covered in all manner of "stuff".  See that closet up there?  That's what I strive to make ours look like.  While we never quite achieve this picture perfect vision of organization, there are some tips that have helped our closets look a little less like a black hole:

  • Hang all the "like" clothes together (casual/short sleeve shirts go together, pants on a separate rack, warmer weather clothes together - you get the idea).  You want your child to be able to see what the weather is like and then grab something from the appropriate rack to wear.
  • Put canvas bins on the floor for things that can't hang.  This is where we put all our socks, slippers, hats, gloves, miscellaneous toys - you can have a bin for just about anything.  Label 'em.  Or better yet, have your kiddo label them so they know what goes where, and they have no excuses not to put something where it belongs.
  • An over-the-door organizer is a must.  You can use it for shoes, accessories, whatever works for you.
  • See the hook with the outfit on it?  That will save you so much hassle in the morning.  Have your child hang out their outfit the night before.
With school just around the corner, you are no doubt shopping for new clothes.  Now is the perfect time to get your child involved in organizing their room so they are ready to roll on Day One!

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