Monday, August 29, 2011

Flavored Water Recipes

Yes, we should all drink more water.  But if you're like me, you're more apt to reach for a carbonated beverage (i.e. soda, in my case Dr. Pepper).  I've gotten into a REALLY bad habit of reaching for a soda first thing in the morning.  Then another later in the day, and yet another if I'm really bad.  Seriously, it's an addiction.  So I've resolved/promised/threatened myself that I WILL drink more water.  I will put down the can, and pick up the glass.  To help inspire me, I found this great website full of flavored water recipes.  I tried the cucumber water (basically just sliced up cucumbers in a pitcher of ice water), and it was surprisingly delish!
Go HERE for a bunch of recipes.  And just to tease you, here is the recipe for the awesome looking fruit water pictured above:
  • 1 each of the following fruits - apple, lemon, orange, pear
  • 4 large strawberries
  • Handful of raspberries
  • Handful of mint leaves
  • 1 half-gallon of water
Cut large slices or thin wedges of each fruit.  Place them in a large glass pitcher and add cold water.  Refrigerate 4 hours, and then serve in tall glasses.  YUM!

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