Thursday, October 13, 2011

A Poem About Friendship, By A.J. Park

OK, you're going to have to indulge me for a moment.  While digging thru my middle child's backpack I came across a crumpled up piece of paper - shoved under the lunchbox, smashed in between some half used erasers and dog-eared Pokemon books.  This little treasure was just waiting to be discovered.  When asked, he said that the assignment was to pick a word (any word) and write a poem about it.  He chose friendship.  A very fitting word for my most sensitive child.  The one with the ADHD, tics, and hair trigger temper.  He who broke his wrist playing in his first football game.  The child who can make me lose my temper and sanity as quickly as bring me to tears with his kindness and generosity.  You never know what you're gonna get with him - he likes to keep you on your toes guessing.  But you can be assured that the ride will never be boring.  I read this and my heart just melted.  Seriously, it's a pool in the middle of the kitchen floor -hanging out with all the shed dog fur (I really need to vaccum).  With that, I bring you "Wonderful Friendship".  A poem by Alex Jackson Henry Park.

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