Monday, November 7, 2011

I'm Baaaaaaaaaack!

Did you miss me?  It has been a blur of activity all weekend long.  Really, I need a weekend after my weekend!  Lots of fun was had, lots of presents were exchanged, lots of cleaning, lots of shopping, lots of everything.  I would really like to just crawl back into bed while the house is nice and quiet and the kids are in school and take a little snooze, but that ain't gonna happen.  AJ has a doctor's appointment later this morning, and there is lots of blogging to be done.  I've got lots to catch up on (I wonder how many times I can fit "lots" into this post!). I've been gone for a few days, and I kinda missed you!
Coming soon will be a post about the BIG birthday party.  There were lots (that's 9) of kids, and we all had a grand time.  But for now, I'm off to school to pick up a certain kiddo who needs to be seen by the doctor for tummy troubles.  Talk to you soon.  I'll be back with lots more (TEN!).

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