Admit it - these are REALLY cool. I wish they made them in adult sizes! They are available TODAY only thru THIS Groupon link for just $29. Shipping will cost you another $3.95, but this is a super fun gift that any kid would love to see under the tree. OK, maybe not my 15 year old, but I'm pretty darn sure even my 10 year old would ride this thing around. FUN!
Wednesday, November 30, 2011
Sweet Teacher's Gift
What a creative way to score some brownie points treat your child's teacher - with a gift of extra supplies for the classroom. How cute is THIS?! What's Scrapping has come up with this great idea, and has a full tutorial, shopping list and details on how you TOO can score major brownie points with your child's teacher. Head HERE to check it out! I think you could really customize this for the holidays, using green ribbon and making it look like a Christmas tree.
Attention All Chocoholics!
Tuesday, November 29, 2011
Meatball Bubble Biscuits
The above photo doesn't look ALL that fantastic, until you realize what's INSIDE those little dough balls....meatballs and mozzarella cheese! THIS is what's for dinner tonite, courtesy of this amazing (and simple) little recipe from Kathie Cooks blog. I was planning to simply make spaghetti for dinner tonite, but these will go along with that QUITE NICELY. Then instead of just lookin' like I cooked some pasta and nuked some spaghetti sauce I'll LOOK like I actually made an effort! :)
This is sooooo simple - nothing homemade. But it looks fantastic! LOVE IT!
Meatball Bubble Biscuits
Source: Barbie F.
1 can Pillsbury golden layers biscuits - each pulled into 2 layers
10 frozen fully cooked italian style meatballs - thawed and cut in half
2 sticks string cheese - cut each into 10 pieces
1 T. parm cheese
1/2 t. Italian seasoning
1/4 t. garlic powder
1 c. marinara sauce
Heat oven to 375. Separate biscuits into 2 layers. Place 1 meatball half and one piece of cheese into each biscuit, wrap dough around it and seal edges. Place seam side down into 9 inch round cake pan. Sprinkle with parm cheese, garlic pwd. and italian seasoning. Bake 18-20 min or until golden brown. Serve warm with warm sauce.
Source: Barbie F.
1 can Pillsbury golden layers biscuits - each pulled into 2 layers
10 frozen fully cooked italian style meatballs - thawed and cut in half
2 sticks string cheese - cut each into 10 pieces
1 T. parm cheese
1/2 t. Italian seasoning
1/4 t. garlic powder
1 c. marinara sauce
Heat oven to 375. Separate biscuits into 2 layers. Place 1 meatball half and one piece of cheese into each biscuit, wrap dough around it and seal edges. Place seam side down into 9 inch round cake pan. Sprinkle with parm cheese, garlic pwd. and italian seasoning. Bake 18-20 min or until golden brown. Serve warm with warm sauce.
Edible Christmas Tree Centerpiece

What a cute idea courtesy of the Ginger & Garlic Blog. Here's their tutorial for how to make this delicious edible centerpiece:
1 styrofoam cone (small or medium size) from your local craft store.
Cookie cutters with various shapes (I used a gingerbread-man and star shaped cutters)
Assorted fruits - I used green and black grapes, strawberries, kiwis, dried cranberries and a honeydew melon.
Cilantro garnish.
My styrofoam cone was green in color, if you only have a white one then I suppose you could drape some green paper on a white cone or attach fruits very densely so it resembles more like a tree trunk.
- Using the cookie cutters create various shapes out of the melon slices.
- Attach toothpicks to the styrofoam cone. Attach one piece each of a fruit to a toothpick. (Think free-form; as the tree starts building you will know more about which fruit combinations are looking better and how densely packed you want your tree to be).
- Continue building the tree as dense as you want!
- Use cilantro leaves as grass garnish.
- Enjoy your new edible fruit tree!!
Homemade Lava Lamps
This is a super fun idea and can be done very easily with stuff you most likely have on hand anyway. Don't you just LOVE when that happens? Head HERE for step-by-step instruction, complete with master photography. We are most definitely trying this one - probably over winter break, when I'm pulling my hair out trying to keep 'em occupied.
Monday, November 28, 2011
The. Best. Pot. Roast. Ever.
I do NOT cook enough meals in the crock pot. I always intend to, but never quite get around to it. Then when I actually do, I'm all "WHY do I NOT do this every single day?!" (I can be a bit dramatic). Yes, there is prep work upfront, but once that is done you're sittin' on Easy Street, sister. Dinner? DONE. At 9:00 in the morning. BAM! Marie's Cooking Adventures has a great recipe on her blog for crock pot Pot Roast that is super easy, and super delish. (Two of my favoritest things). The secret ingredients are three envelopes (ranch dressing, italian dressing, and brown gravy mix). It doesn't get any easier.
Christmas Swirl Cookies
We are most definitely going to add this recipe in to our Annual Park Family Holiday Bake-A-Palooza. Every year me and the boys, my parents, my aunt, my brother's wife and his girls all get together for an entire day of holiday baking. And when I say an entire day, I MEAN an entire day. Cookies, candies, homemade popcorn balls, Chex Mix, and fudge is always on the agenda......along with whatever else we can think of! It is by far my most favorite holiday tradition. It's always held at my house. We always eat too much cookie dough. We drink cinnamon apple cider, my hubby makes us chili. We've got it down.
I just stumbled upon this CUTE Christmas Swirl Cookie recipe and rest assured that I WILL be making these in a few weeks. Our Italian Kitchen has come up with the recipe and has step-by-step instruction posted on her blog. I love it! They look like they were made by little elves. :)
Friday, November 25, 2011
Snapily - Animated Ornament BOGO
Making a list of the best Black Friday deals? Add Snapily to your list! They are offering Buy 1 animated ornament Get 1 FREE - a savings of $8.99. This offer is valid 11/25 thru 11/28. Use coupon code BOGO at checkout. (Note, this coupon code can be used again, and again).
Simply upload your images to create a personalized ornament that can be used on the tree, as a stocking stuffer, or an alternative to the traditional holiday card. Your favorite photos are personalized on your choice of either a 3D or animated ornament. Hung with a high quality ribbon, the ornament's slight movements will show off images of your loved ones in 3D depth or flip animation. Don't miss this great deal!
If You Have A Wrestling Fan
Yes, I DEFINITELY have a wrestling fan in the house. Zach is obsessed. He has already started working on his Christmas Wish List, and it is FILLED with John Cena stuff. I just got an email from the WWE Shop (how dedicated of a Mom am I that I actually subscribe to their email for him?!?), stating that they have some Black Friday DoorBusting Deals - over 400 things marked down, PLUS get an extra 20% off when you use code GIFT20, PLUS get FREE SHIPPING.
Of course I had to check it out, and have already placed my order. They DO have some great items if your child likes WWE. I found a bunch of backpacks marked down to just $4.75 (even a rolling backpack for that price), and cute school supply packs, notebooks, and binders all marked way down. I bought a backpack and am stuffing it full of school supplies. He will absolutely love it, and I got it ALL for under $22 SHIPPED! Shhhhhhh....don't tell him!
Thursday, November 24, 2011
Star Wars Snowflake
Either someone has too much time on their hands, is seriously creative, or the world's biggest Star Wars fan. Probably all of the above. Matters Of Grey has posted tutorials on how YOU TOO can make Star Wars snowflakes. There are four (count 'em four) diagrams posted on how to make:
- Boba Fett snowflakes
- Stormtrooper snowflakes
- Darth Vader snowflakes
- Clonetrooper snowflakes
You know you want to.
Wednesday, November 23, 2011
Chocolate Dipped Candy Canes
LOVE this idea from Brown Paper Packages. It's such a simple idea, but look how lovely. Imagine giving some of these with a batch of hot chocolate mix. Cute, cute, cute. My kids will love these (if I don't eat 'em all up first). Head HERE for the full tuturial with pic on how to do this yourself. You can do this - yes, you can!
Tuesday, November 22, 2011
Easy Way To Cleanup Fingernail Polish Oopsies
Let me just be completely upfront on this: I almost NEVER polish my nails. I know....I just heard the HUGE gasps! Don't know if it's pure laziness, I'm too cheap to pay to have it done, lack of confidence of all of the above. BUT. I DO like this idea. One of the reasons I HATE to paint my nails is that I am TERRIBLE at it. Seriously. You'd think I don't know how to color inside the lines, for all the nail polish on the skin AROUND my nails. Laynie Fingers has a blog with all manner of nail stuff, including tutorials on how to do your nails all trendy and fancy-schmancy. I came across THIS super smart idea of painting vaseline around your nails before you polish 'em. Then when you color outside the lines it just wipes off. Easy peasy.

Monday, November 21, 2011

THIS is the kind of coupon I can really get behind. Head to the Ghirardelli facebook page and "like" them. C'mon, who DOESN'T like their chocolate. You will then be able to print out a coupon to save $1.00 on any (1) Ghirardelli Holiday Product (3 oz. or larger). Their Peppermint Bark is to die for. least that's what I hear. 'Cuz I've never eaten a whole bag of it myself. ;D
P.S. It's a bricks, so print two (they're small!).
P.S. It's a bricks, so print two (they're small!).
Feeling Lucky?
Head over to the Pillsbury Baking facebook page and "like" them for a chance to get one of 10,000 coupons for a FREE can of Easy Frost No-Fuss icing. I LOVE the little Christmas Tree cupcake ice cream cones! As you can expect, their site is currently SLAMMED right now. I was FINALLY able to get thru, but found that it is best NOT to keep refreshing the page unless you get a "server is too busy" message. Just let it sit and grind for a while, it will eventually load - and then you'll get free cupcake icing! How sweet is that? (see what I did there?) :)
New JibJab Christmas Video
Looks like it's that time again - time to make our annual Park Family JibJab Holiday Video. It's free, and fun to email to friends and family (and post on facebook!). There is a new video available this year. Head HERE to create yours!
Sunday, November 20, 2011
Saturday, November 19, 2011
CUTE Christmas Card Idea!
LOOK how SWEET this photo is! I love it! It can't be THAT difficult, right?! Think I'm gonna try this with Zach in a few weeks when we get the Christmas decorations out.....
D-I-Y Frame For Flatscreen TV
Friday, November 18, 2011
Cute (and easy) Snowmen Donuts
photo credit |
How sweet is this for classroom Holiday parties or just a fun after school snack for when the kids come home?!
North Pole Postmark
Want your holiday cards to look like they came from the North Pole? This holiday postmark will do the trick! Just address and stamp each of your holiday cards, then bulk mail them to the address below by 12/10/11 and they will postmark and mail them for you at no charge.

North Pole Holiday Postmark
4141 Postmark Drive
Anchorage, AK 99530-9998

North Pole Holiday Postmark
4141 Postmark Drive
Anchorage, AK 99530-9998
Thursday, November 17, 2011
Kid's Don't Want To Take A Bath?
Oh, the hoops I jump thru when Zach doesn't feel like taking a bath. We've done bathtub paint, colored tablets, every kind of bath toy you can imagine. Shaving cream. Squirt bottles. Pool toys. Here's a new one - throw some glow sticks in the tub. Turn out the lights. Let the playtime begin. Oh, and by the way.....YOU can do this in YOUR bath too! Why should your kids have ALL the fun?!?!? :D
Snapily - Animated Ornament BOGO
UPDATE: Head to All You's Coupon Page to snag a coupon to Save $2.00 on any Snapily Product when you use allyou2 at checkout.
Making a list of the best Black Friday deals? Add Snapily to your list! They are offering Buy 1 animated ornament Get 1 FREE - a savings of $8.99. Mark your calendar - this offer is valid 11/25 thru 11/28 and NO CODE is necessary. Just put two ornaments in your cart and only pay for one!
Simply upload your images to create a personalized ornament that can be used on the tree, as a stocking stuffer, or an alternative to the traditional holiday card. Your favorite photos are personalized on your choice of either a 3D or animated ornament. Hung with a high quality ribbon, the ornament's slight movements will show off images of your loved ones in 3D depth or flip animation. Don't miss this great deal!
Peppermint Bark
I made this exact bark for Christmas last year, but was not smart enough to make it in these pretty little snowflake shapes. That makes ALL the difference! has the recipe and tutorial on her site, complete with step-by-step photos. I know I've seen that bake pan at Target.
*Recipe note: I halved this recipe to make 6 small snowflakes. Following the full recipe for 1 full sheet of bark or 12 regular sized shapes.
Recipe adapted from: allrecipes
8oz brown chocolate (your favorite)
8oz white chocolate
2 tsp vegetable oil, divided
1/2 tsp peppermint extract, divided
candy canes or peppermint candies, crushed
8oz brown chocolate (your favorite)
8oz white chocolate
2 tsp vegetable oil, divided
1/2 tsp peppermint extract, divided
candy canes or peppermint candies, crushed
If making one sheet of bark, line a rimmed baking sheet with parchment paper. Smooth out any wrinkles. Prepare candy canes by unwrapping and tossing in a plastic bag. Smash with a meat tenderizer, rolling pin or other heavy object. Don’t pulverize the candies but do make sure any huge chunks are broken down. Over a bowl, transfer contents of plastic bag to a mesh strainer. Gently tape and shake the strainer. The purpose of this is to remove any candy cane dust, only leaving the chunks to be used for the bark.
In a heat safe bowl, add brown chocolate and half of the vegetable oil. I used candy melts because it’s what I had on hand. Melt chocolate at 50% power in 30 second intervals. Stir well after each heating. When fully melted, stir in half of the peppermint extract. Pour milk chocolate (or whichever variety you’ve chosen) onto prepared pan and spread out evenly. Alternately, divide equally among molds or cookie cutters. I used a small cookie scoop to divide among my snowflake cavities. Sprinkle with a small amount of candy cane pieces, preferably some of the smaller pieces. Transfer to the fridge for 30-60 minutes or until fully set and hardened.
Repeat melting process with white chocolate: white chocolate plus 1 tsp vegetable oil in a heat safe bowl. Heat at 50% power in 30 second intervals, stiring well each time. Add the remaining 1/4 tsp peppermint extract, stir well. Pour over brown chocolate, or divide equally among molds or shapes. Tap tray or mold to spread chocolate out. Sprinkle with remaining candy cane pieces. Transfer to the fridge for an additional 30-60 minutes or until fully hardened.
Break sheet bark with a heavy object or carefully remove chocolate from molds. If using silicone molds, they should easily pop out or peel away. Store in the fridge in an airtight container.
These are perfect for packaging up and gifting during the holidays.
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