Thursday, September 12, 2013

Lunch Time Giggles

I like to send little notes a few days a weeks in my boys' lunches.  I'm sure they get tired of the same 'ol "I love you", "I'm proud of you" fare.  So this year I've resolved myself to spicing it up a bit.  I've been sending kid's jokes.  I thought I'd share a few with you, in case you'd like to include them in your kiddo's lunch!
  • Why couldn't the cat play on the computer?  Because he ate the mouse!
  • What do you call a parrot that wants to be President?  A polly-tician!
  • What did Yoda say when he sold his car?  May the Porsche be with you (guess those Star Wars residuals pay pretty well!)
  • What is a sheep's favorite karate move?  A lamb chop!
  • What's messy and lives in the ocean?  A slob-ster!
  • What state can you write with?  Pencil-vania!
  • Why should you never tell a secret to a pinata?  They always spill their guts!
  • What did the dinosaur say when she hurt her leg?  My ankle-is-soreus.
  • What does a gorilla use to open a door?  A mon-key!
  • What do planets do when they get dirty?  They take a meteor shower!
Ba-dump-bump!  Is that groaning I heard?!  Hey, come on!  These are kid's jokes!  :)

Free Printable download
Wanna be the coolest Mom in the cafeteria?  PaperCoterie is helpin' ya make that happen with this FREE download of sweet love notes - perfect for school lunches or tucking in a backpack. You can share big messages of love in cute little ways! Whether the recipient is big or small, everyone likes to know that they're loved. Download them for FREE and have fun leaving them in surprise places for those you love. Tuck in an occasional little treasure to add some sparkle to what may be a challenging day - a sucker, package of crayons, an invitation to join you for something special after school.  LOVE THESE!  I love putting notes in my kid's lunches - including the teen!
Download yours today!

1 comment:

  1. Question: What do you call a boy with a dictionary in his pocket?
