Friday, June 8, 2012

Blueberry Fields Forever (or something to that effect)

Last night my boys went to bed with visions of blueberries dancing in their heads.  We were up and out of the house by 8:30 this morning to do what?  Pick blueberries, of course!  What a great summertime activity.  I remember picking strawberries as a child, and EATING as much as I PICKED.  They should have weighed me BEFORE and AFTER to make sure they got their money's worth!
Much to the surprise of my kids, blueberries don't just magically show up at the grocery store in little plastic cartons.  Now they know HOW they grow, HOW to pick 'em, and they taste-tested enough to get sour stomachs.  And a few bug bites, and muddy shoes and wet gross socks.  But hey, ya gotta take the good with the bad, right?
Not only did we see blueberries on the bush, we also saw turtles and the teensie tinsiest little frog you can imagine.  And some grasshoppers, and various bug-a-boos (which did NOT amuse my AJ).
Now I'm off to scour the internet in search of blueberry recipes.  We currently have a batch of good ol' blueberry muffins in the oven.  Any suggestions?  We've got blueberries comin' out of our ears! 

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