We're having a lazy Sunday. Slept late, had breakfast at 11:45...you know, one of THOSE Sundays. The best kind. When I finally DID get into the kitchen, I whipped up the most amazing Pecan Cinnamon Roll Pancakes! Seriously good, and really easy. It was a mix from Target's Archer Farms brand. If you ever see 'em on the shelf, I HIGHLY recommend picking 'em up! After breakfast Zach got on the computer and discovered a fun little website calledFruitSnackia. They have a bunch of video tutorials on how to make things out of Fruit Snacks - beards, flip flops, a watch and more (crazy, right?!). RIGHT up Zach's alley. Thankfully, I stocked up on various Fruit Snacks a few weeks ago when they were on sale at Tom Thumb, so we had plenty of supplies. We had fun making Fruit Snack Watches. Zach says he's going to wait to eat his until Delicious O'Clock! :)
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