Tuesday, April 23, 2013

Happy Anniversary To My Tim

Nineteen years ago today I stood in front of about 200 of my closest friends and family and said "I Do" to the most interesting, thoughtful, caring man I'd ever met.  Then we had a big ol' party!  Then we went to Hawaii.  Then we bought a house.  Then we had a son.  And another one.  And another one.  (God help him!).  Just for grins we've added various dogs, cats and fish to our home, rounding out the menagerie.  Thru it all Tim has been steadfast.  Have we had problems?  Heck yeah.  Do we ever argue?  Umm......yeah.  And if you say you & your husband never do, you are either a liar or insane.  Marriage is HARD WORK.  Falling in love is really easy.  Staying in love is really hard.
Over the last 19 years we have created so many memories, been thru good times & bad.  We've gone thru the death of parents (baby Sam snored thru my father-in-law's funeral), friends (toddler Sam put his teeth thru his lip while Tim was out of town for his friend's funeral), a miscarriage, loss of jobs (me), multiple changes of jobs (Tim).  Broken bones, car wrecks, a car-jacking (yep!) and any number of other things.
You have to understand that Tim was leading a pretty cool lifestyle up until I showed up.  Traveling the world, shooting the Dallas Cowboys Superbowl wins, going to the White House and talking to his fellow Arkie Bill Clinton (you may have heard of him), doing pretty much WHAT he wanted WHEN he wanted to ("don't you know who the @%$# I am?!").  To quote my husband, he's been where the four winds blow.  
Then I entered the picture.  Sorry, that job is not conducive to a family and kids.  (So he changed).  All that traveling?  Yeah, that won't work with a baby.  (So he changed).  Remember all that money you used to have?  Well, you're gonna be turning it over to me for a mortgage, feeding 3 ever-growing boys, medical bills, vet bills, and everything else we throw money at.
Eight years ago we decided to take the plunge and I became a stay-at-home Mom.  Losing a $50+K salary was not easy.  Nor was the transition.  But Tim never wavered.  I'm sure it's not easy being the sole breadwinner.  Especially considering all the sacrifices he's already made.  Yet, there he is.  Every day.  Going to work, while I do this silly little thing called blogging.  (Oh, yeah, and the whole raising kids-thing).
So today I give a shout-out to my anchor, my husband, Tim Park for everything he's done, said, been there for and encouraged over the last 19 years.  Thank you for putting up with me, I know it can't be easy!  I love you with everything I have, and I look forward to when it's just me & you again and we will sit out on the front porch in rockers and talk about the good ol' days.  (And our KIDS will be supporting US - and hopefully haven't put us in a home!)  You are the best husband and father I could have ever hoped for!  
Happy Anniversary!
This is us thru the years.  Yep, I used to be a blonde!

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