Here's the upshot: There is definitely a sense of accomplishment, it's supposed to last for years and need very little upkeep (just mist it a few days a week and trim off cuttings as they get overgrown), and I LIKE IT. I will certainly put this as a centerpiece of my backyard - though I haven't determined if I want to actually hang it, or maybe set it on my patio table with some citronella candles in the middle....
I would say this required a certain amount of craftiness. If your crafting skills are questionable, don't try this. If ya got a little game, go for it! The downside was that this actually ended up being a pretty pricey endeavor. All told, between buying cuttings & plants, rooting hormone, moss, flower picks (to hold it all in) a wreath frame and wire to wrap it all up with my grand total for this baby was right around $85. Now I do have some supplies left over, but not enough to make another wreath. SO my bottom line, is if you really like this and you want one....just cough up the bucks and get one from HERE. Let a professional do it for you.
Oh, and Mom? Remember that I said I thought this might be a good project for Mother's Day and that we could do this and it would be a nice gift for you? Ummm.....that ain't gonna happen. Because as much as I love you, I am NOT gonna start all over again with this project. And can't have this one (MINE!).'s your wreath. Enjoy! :D
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