I WILL be buying this deal. Here's why...I'm old. Wait - I'm buying it because it's a GREAT deal on CUTE reading glasses. I NEED the reading glasses because I'm old. There. I said it. (I know you suspected it all along). I have worn contact lenses for YEARS, but lately I have to hold things waaaaaay far away from me to be able to read. I went to the optometrist, who recommended a cheap pair of reading glasses that I could slip on (while my contacts were in) to help me with reading. This has helped me TONS while trying to do the tablet in bed. I couldn't SEE it until I put my reading glasses on, then VOILA! Saveology has this 4-pack of reading glasses for just $17 SHIPPED ($39.99 value). And look how cute they are! The ones I got from my optometrist are UG-O, so I will definitely be swapping those out with these. Don't you love how the cases MATCH the glasses? Too cute. And cheap enough that if you lose 'em, well, it's not the end of the world. They're available in +1.00, +1.50, +2.00, +2.50 and +3.00. They even have a 4-pack of MENS for the same price. Go HERE for full details.
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